Was the SHE Album track at CKU-A Utah! Heidi Swapp is da-bomb! My usual layout style is more conservative/straight lines/simple/becky higgins-ish… but Heidi’s class taught me to express myself more through my layouts! Her style is amazing and I am hoping some of it rubs off on me! Check out her website www.heidiswapp.com for more ideas and cool products!
I am having difficulty designing this weblog! I can’t figure out how to make it so my photos/album show up when you view the page. Of course, if I were doing this at home instead of in between project at work it might be easier! Oh well!
Okay, so here we go…. my very first post. Nobody even knows that I have this blog, so it won’t really matter…. nobody will read it! BUT, I wanted to give this whole blogging thing a try… then maybe I will invite people into my computer life!