One word….


One word….to live by….to use as inspiration…..for 2008.  Ali Edwards does this  each year.  Asks you to pick a word for the year.  Use it as inspiration, motivation, etc.  So, my word for 2008 is:


L coloured card disc letter i V E

I’m going to concentrate on “Live”… in the moment….living life to it’s fullest….embracing Life… for today! 

What is your word for 2008?

Happy Friday!  Have a great weekend!


Goodbye 2007


What a great year 2007 was!  Lots of milestones and memories! 

  • SEVERAL trips to Las Vegas, Mesquite and St. George for Baseball and Softball
  • "Junior Day" at Santa Clara University
  • San Diego Trip with Tyson
  • Steamboat Springs trip for Carl and Madi
  • Football camp at UCLA for Tyson
  • Senior Football retreat in Sandpoint, ID for Tyson
  • The loss of Tyson’s friend, Seth Fraughton
  • Semi-Final Game in Baseball
  • Championship Game in Football
  • Championship games in Softball
  • Madi’s confirmation and graduation from St. Olafs School
  • The beginning of Tyson’s senior year, and the beginning of Madi’s freshman year –  both kids at Judge Memorial
  • Tailgating before football games
  • Time spent with friends and family

2007 Mosiac

Among other things, 2008 will bring high school graduation for Tyson, and going off to college in the fall (Yikes!) and a driver’s license for Madison (Yikes!)

Wishing you all a very HEALTHY, HAPPY and PROSPEROUS New Year!!!!!


Happy 18th Birthday TYSON!


Eighteen years ago today, we were BLESSED with the birth of the one and only TYSON!  He entered this world with much excitement and fan fare…much like his life has been so far!  He doesn’t do anything half way!  He attacks everything with determination and fierceness….although he is one of the most sweet and sensitive boys, I know.  He takes great care of me and his sister Madison.  He will do anything for anyone.  HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY Tyson!  Thanks for making the past 18 years incredibly awesome!  WE LOVE YOU SO MUCH!  Love, Mom, Dad & Madison!

Birthday Mosaic


Weekend Plans…..


It’s a SNOWY Saturday night, and both kids are home with us (VERY UNUSUAL)… this is what we are doing tonight, and will be doing for the next 4 days, off and on:

Harry Potter Harry Potter 2

Madi wanted to watch them all in order….so we figured it was the perfect weekend!  Carl had to work today, Madi had rehearsal for a dance concert piece she is in, Tyson chilled all day, and I went to the gym (1.5 hrs of cardio! PHEW)….what a nice way to start off the long weekend!

Happy Saturday!


Christmas Top Five


I got this from Melody’s Blog …..  My Christmas Top Five:

1.  Christmas Eve.  We had a GREAT time.  Very low key, and stress free.  Carl had to work (bummer), but the kids and I were home all day, for the most part.  About 3:00 pm, we started to get hit with a pretty significant snow storm (WHITE CHRISTMAS!!!!!).  We spent the day tying up loose ends, and getting things ready for Christmas Eve dinner with our good friends.  Carl got home from work around 4:00.  We went to 5:30pm Mass, which was really nice, and then went to the Ringheimer’s for dinner with friends.  A few photos:

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2.  Christmas Day at my parents house….. My mom puts together a fabulous dinner every year (Ham, potatoes,veggies, etc) every year, and we have a great time opening gifts and visiting.  We are so thankful to have my brother Chris and niece Erin with us!  They were away for Christmas a few years, so it is extra nice to have them here the past few years.  My kids are SPOILED by my parents and brothers! We are so lucky to have such a great and supportive family!  My kids are extra lucky!

3.  Christmas Shopping.  I LOVE everything about it.  I don’t mind the crowds at all!  This year, Carl was able to join me for a few shopping outings.  We even managed to grab dinner a few times.  It was NICE!

4.  Christmas Assembly at Judge Memorial ….Oh, dear God.  To be in high school again!  It was hilarious!  Tyson participated in a few skits, and Carl and I laughed and laughed!  I am so glad I got to see it!  It was AWESOME!

5.  Cookies and milk for Santa.  My kids are 18 and 15, and we still put out cookies and milk (COKE!) for Santa.  The funny thing this year…..Cheyenne, our yellow lab, didn’t eat the cookies!  We have had her for 13 years, and this was the first year she didn’t eat the cookies!  Too funny!

Have a GREAT weekend!  And if you are reading this….post your Christmas Top Five…and link your blog!


After Christmas Blahs……


Do you get ’em?  I do, sometimes.  I’m not sure if it’s because I had to work the day after Christmas, or if it was because Carl had to work too…..not sure.  I just have the blahs today.  It is Friday night….a 4 day weekend ahead, and I’m just sitting here chilling by myself.  Tyson is out with friends, Madi is on her way to a sleepover, Carl is driving her, and I am here drinking a glass of wine, flipping through tv channels.  BORING.  I think Cheyenne feels the same way…here she is asleep on the couch opposite me…on a blankie:


My view from the coach….the mantle, with stocking all skeewompus (sp)…..Kinda like I feel….all skeewompus!


TGIF, right! Have a wonderful weekend!


Enchanting Day


I decided to take a 1/2 day off today (I’ve got 7 vacation days left and I can only carry over 5 days), and Madi and I caught this movie:


I loved it!  Cute and entertaining!!!!  Loved Patrick Dempsey in the movie too!  I haven’t been to a movie in quite a while, so I had no idea they had reserved seats!  Isn’t that CRAZY?  When we purchased our tickets, we got to choose our seats, so we got good ones, but the theater ended up being packed! 

We came home and hit the gym (treadmill and eliptical trainer for me….racquetball for Tyson and Carl.  Home to a quick dinner of omelets, and now we are watching the Amazing Race on TiVo.  Nice, relaxing day/night!  Happy Thursday!


Christmas Day


We had a great Christmas Day!  Very low key and relaxing!  We didn’t get up until a little after 9:00 am…..In 17 years, we have only had 1 year, that we didn’t have to wake the kids up ourselves! What is up with that?  Some years they have slept until almost 10:00 am!  We got up and watched the kids opens their presents and stockings, while a yummy breakfast casserole was cooking in the oven.  We watched the latest Harry Potter movie (The Order of the Phoenix), while we ate breakfast.  I actually fell asleep! LOL!  After that we got ready and went to my parents house for more presents and a yummy dinner.  My camera battery died on Christmas Eve, so I didn’t get any photos of the kids in their traditional Christmas jammies!  Bummer!  I didn’t get any photos until we got to my parents house!  Here are a few of Tyson (new amp for his car), Madi (new digital camera and printer), and my niece Erin in her new scooter helmet! lol!




Today, it was back to work for Carl and I.  I still have two days I need to take before the end of the year, or I will lose them.  Unfortunately, I don’t think I’ll get to take them…..end of the month for  me at work, and too much to do!  Bummer!  Have a great week!
