Clever Girls Collective
I am super excited about a new opportunity I have! I have joined the Clever Girls Collective!
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I am super excited about a new opportunity I have! I have joined the Clever Girls Collective!
I'm a Clever Girl! Are you?
Fabulous Friday Finds / Sewing
Happy Friday!
TGIF and all that good stuff!
Today's Fabulous Friday Finds….are some FABULOUS handmade items!
This is one of the most awesome shops! Check out these items! She has lap top bags, Kindle/Nook bags, iPad cases, zippered pouches, and more! Such cute stuff!
Next up:
She has all these amazing rosettes, made into brooches, necklaces, earrings, rings and headbands! Super cute stuff!
And finally:
Tons of cuteness in this shop! Love the zippered pouches, checkbook covers, petal pushers, petal drop necklaces, etc. Love all the colorful fabrics too!
If you have a moment, check out these talented girls and show them some love!
Happy Friday! 🙂
I've been wanting to make some pillows for Valentines Day, but I've been so busy with custom coffee cozie and dish towel orders, that it just hasn't happened! Ugh! I'd had it tonight, and decided to quickly put together a sweet little heart pillow!
Just some muslin and felt hearts.
Simple, but cute.
Nothing spectacular! But, it was just what I needed! :)\
Linking up to: House of Hepworths
That I rarely leave my house without!
I NEVER go anywhere without my Carmex. I have a serious addiction to this stuff!
#2. My Phone
I love my Samsung Focus! Keeps me connected at all times! 🙂
#3. My Wedding Ring
My fingers/hand feels naked without it! If I forget to put it on for some reason, I usually turn around and go back home for it. After 23 years, I'm kinda used to it! (and no, I do not have a Tiffany wedding ring!)
#4. My Watch
Same as the wedding ring. I feel weird it I am not wearing my watch. Mine does happen to be very similar to the one above. Except it is from J. Jill. Sometimes, I will wear a bracelet, instead of my watch. But something needs to be on my left wrist at all times!
5. My Purse
Something to carry around all my crap! You know, wallet, sunglasses, coin purse, notebook, small calendar, etc. The essentials, right?
Now, if I had to pick ONLY one items that I couldn't leave the house without…it would have to be the Carmex! I don't even travel throughout my house without taking my carmex with me. That's probably some type of sickness, right?
A little glimpse into the weirdness, that is me!
Happy Tuesday!
We finally got the tile laid on Sunday. No grout yet….that will come tonight (fingers crossed). You'll have to forgive my horrible photos. It's so hard to take good photos of bathrooms! Ugh! So, to remind you….we started with a lovely sub floor. After the flood of 2010, we had our oh, so lovely, vinyl ripped out by the restoration company. We've been living with the sub floor ever since. Nice, huh? We repainted the vanity and framed out the mirror a few weeks ago. Read about that HERE. We put in the new faucet HERE , and finally got the tile down! Phew! I can't wait to paint next weekend, put up curtains and get to decorating!
Still a long way to go! But progress, is progress……Right?
I'm joining in Debbiedoo's Newbie Link Party! I'd love to gain some new followers and friends! If you have some time, please feel free to look around my blog! I'd love to hear from you! And please be sure to give some love back to Debbie! She is a fabulous blogger, who LOVES to help everyone out!
Debbiedoo's Newbie Link Party!
Lot's of great stuff out in blog land this week! Check it out!
Jen @ Tatertots and Jello made these Valentines Day pillows! Super cute! Her blog is one of my most favorites! She always has the cutest ideas!
Check out this cute wreath, chalkboard and chandy necklace @ Madigan Made
I love that she changes out the decor around the chalkboard, and the quote on the chalkboard for every holiday/month! Very creative!
I love this idea! Valentine Frames from the girls @ Eighteen25. When you drop by their website, prepare to spend some time there! Lots of GREAT craft ideas!
My kids are too old to do valentines for their friends and teachers anymore, but how cute are these? I've got to figure out a way to make these for SOMEONE! :) Ashley Ann @ Under the Sycamore made these CRUSH Valentines! So creative!
And finally, Christina @ Creations by Christina made this CUTE felt wreath
She also has some AWESOME recipes on her blog check 'em out! She is always making, baking or cooking something!
And two Etsy shops I want to tell you about. My super, fabulously talented cousin and her daughter make these adorable headbands
How freakin' cute are they? She sells all sorts of these darling things! You can find her etsy shop here: Maisey's Daiseys. Please go show her some LOVE!
And my sweet, crafty friend Laura has these darling necklaces!
I bought one from her HERE and it is even more darling in person! I love it! Please take a moment to see how cute these necklaces are!
So many cute, crafty things out there in blog land this week! If you click on any of the links listed above, please feel free to share some lovely comments with them! They are some of the most talented women out there!
Oh, and one more thing……T.G.I.F! Holla!
Linking up to Debbiedoos Newbie Party!
It seems that the first thing I do when I get home from work every night, is sit down at my sewing machine and think about what I can sew. It's become a daily habit, and somewhat of a therapy for me. There is something about the piles of fabric sitting on my kitchen table…..just calling out to me. "Make something withme….make something with me" … I just have to do it! Am I crazy? I've always been creative. Doing something to satisfy my need to create. Scrapbooking. Calligraphy. Tole Painting. Cross Stitch. Knitting. You name it, I've done it. It's like a drug, right? I went through a period of several years where I just couldn't be creative. My family suffered a horrible tragedy in 1999, and my creativity left with it. I dabbled in things here and there. Mostly scrapbooking for my niece, since her Mom was no longer here to do it. And class projects. Treats and goodies. The bare minimum of creativity. It was hard, because being creative was so much a part of me. My identity. What people associated with me. You know? I missed it. Badly.
Fast forward to Halloween 2010. I attended a Girl's Nigh Out party with a bunch of friends. The hostess had reserved 5 psychics for the night. Soooo cool. I saw a psychic in 1996. It was awesome. I loved it. But she told me things then, that I look back on now….and it kind of scares me. She told me so many things that came to fruition. Some good. Some, not so good. So, I was always hesitant to go to another. But the opportunity presented itself. So, I did it. So glad I did.
It was only a 20 minute reading. BUT, the first thing she told me was this:
You are creative. It is what you DO. But, you haven't been creative in a long time. You need to change that. NOW.
Um, Hello!!?!?!?!? Duh! Light bulb moment. Being creative is what makes me happy. I need it. I crave it. But, for some reason, I wasn't doing it. Well, I am here to tell you that changed immediately.
My hubby Carl…, the best. Bought me a new sewing machine. I was in heaven. I love it. And, I try and be creative as often as I can now. I am happier. I am more content. I feel more ME. If that makes sense.
So, thanks for sticking with me for this whole lengthy post. I was really going to post a quick little line about a Valentines Day Banner I sewed up. But, somehow, my fingers just kept a typin'. I needed to get this out. For some reason. For me. For Anne. For the love of being creative.
Here is a quick little v-day banner I sewed up. Nothing fan-tabulous. Or special. But I like it.
Just muslin. Binding. Fabric hearts.
But it makes my heart happy.
Thanks for listening!
Happy Thursday!
Linking up with Debbiedoos Newbie Party!
that make me happy!
A new faucet in the master bathroom.
Nothing fancy-shmancy.
But the look I wanted.
It's the little things…..the make this girl happy!
Still no paint. Still no tile. But I have a new faucet!
Happy dance!
I found this fun blog from Jenn @ Tatertots and Jello, and since I'm looking to meet some new blogging friends, I thought I would join in! She has a feature called "Friend Makin' Monday"
1. Where is your cell phone? here
2. Your most significant other? Carl
3. Your hair? Brown
4. Your mother? Awesome
5. Your father? Funny
6. Your favorite? Pasta
7. Your dream last night? None
8. Your favorite drink? Diet Coke
9. Your dream/goal? self-employed
10. What room you are in? familyroom
11. Your hobby? crafting
12. Your fear? failing
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? happy
14. Where were you last night? bed
15. Something that you aren't? stupid
16. Muffins? occasionally
17. Wish list item? lottery 🙂
18. Where you grew up? Utah
19. Last thing you did? Decorate
20. What are you wearing? Jammies
21. Your TV? Bachelor
22. Your pets? CUTE
23. Friends? yup
24. Your life? great
25. Your mood? happy
26. Missing someone? yep
27. One place that I go to over and over? facebook 🙂
28. Something you want: vacation
29. Your favorite store? Target
30. Your favorite color? black
Now it's your turn to play along!
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