Crafts / Vinyl Projects

Happy Monday to you!

I hope you had a great weekend!

The weather was nice, but a bit chilly here in Utah, but I'll take it over rain and snow!

I've got a few more projects that I included in my Spring Boutique that I want to spotlight.

I got the idea for a "Notes" plate from the uber talented Shelley @ The House of Smiths .

You can see Shelley's plate HERE

This was a huge seller at the boutique, and I've since put together quite a few more for friends wanting extras for gifts!

You can write on the plates with just plain old dry erase markers.

Erase with a paper towel, or soft cloth.

I love how they turned out!

What do you think?

Let me know if you are interested in purchasing a plate with vinyl, or just the vinyl alone!

Have a great day!


{Latest Obsession}

Food and Drink / Health & Fitness

I'm not really a huge yogurt fan. It's something about the texture, I think.

But, I've been hearing about Chobani Greek Yogurt for a while now, and decided to give it a try.


So good.

Love it!

My fave is the Blood Orange flavor

And the Pomegranate

Not only is the yogurt delicious, but the health benefits are great as well!

Fromt he Chobani website:

Chobani is a naturally good for you indulgence. We use a centuries old straining process to make it, which results in a tasty, creamy yogurt that has two times more protein than regular yogurt as well as being naturally lower in sodium and carbohydrates.Chobani also contains five types of live and active cultures including three strains of probiotics. Plus, it’s deliciously rich and creamy so it’s an ideal way to satisfy your cravings without derailing your diet.

Check them out HERE

Have you ever tried Chobani?

Do you love it?

*By the way, I am in no way getting compensated in any way by Chobani!

BUT, if they'd like to send me a case of yogurt, I'd be one happy girl!


Enjoy your day!


{Do you GPP?}

Health & Fitness / Me

Do you GPP ?

If not, you should!

I promise!

It is life changing!

What is GPP, you ask?

According to Neil Anderson, the man behind GPP:

GPP Fitness training is blindly focused on helping you achieve optimal health.

To become "optimally healthy," we believe you must have balance across ALL aspects of health (mental, emotional, spiritual, social, PHYSICAL and financial).

GPP Fitness's unique training method is the most complete, effective, efficient, and safest way for you to achieve balance over all ten aspects (cardiovascular endurance, stamina, strength, flexibility, power, speed, agility, coordination, balance and accuracy) of PHYSICAL health. This type of training is the fastest way to decrease body fat and improve all aspects of health while improving fitness across broad time and modal domain. In other words, through proper exercise and nutrition you will be completely fit for the long and short term while being supremely capable of the known and unknown physical stressors and challenges your life may present.

It is not lost on us that many who enter within strive for more than improved PHYSICAL presence and capacity. We believe with mastery of the physical you will have new skill sets that you can use to become more successful across all other aspects of "optimal health."

I don't talk too much about fitness and health on this blog, but I am going to start posting a bit more about "my journey" and my quest, to get fit and healthy.

A week or so ago, my Zumba instructor Teresa Avua'a did a blog post on "my success story" if you'd like to read about it, go HERE. I have been going to Teresa's Zumba classes, along with Brittany Blaser Odom's classes for almost a year now.

I LOVE my Zumba! BUT, I felt like I was needed something else in addition to Zumba. Some type of strength training. The place that I Zumba at night, is also the home to GPP Fitness. I've watched everyone working out at GPP while I wait for my Zumba classes for months, and I was soooo impresses with these athletes! I wanted to give it a try!

So……I finally did!

And I LOVE it!

I feel so empowered!




It's only been 4 weeks and I am amazed at how much stronger I feel.

If you are local (Salt Lake County, or Davis County), I highly encourage you to check out GPP FITNESS!

You won't be disappointed!

And just to show you what almost a year of Zumba and 4 weeks of GPP have done to transform me:

I am SO much happier and healthier!


If you stop by GPP, make sure you tell them I sent you! J


{Tile Coasters}


Here is another project from my boutique.

Super, easy Tile Coasters.

White Tile from Home Depot or Lowes


Scrapbook Paper (I used paper from my a few of my Girls Loft Kits )


Modge Podge


Cute Coasters!

What do you think?

I finish off the coasters with 4 felt discs on the bottom corners, so the tiles don't scratch whatever surface they are placed on.

Happy Thursday!

Hope it's a great day!


{Red Rocks}


I will be away from the blog and life for a few days.

I’ll be in Duluth, Georgia.

Cheering on my FAVORITE GYMNASTICS TEAM at the NCAA Gymnastics Championships!

I was a gymnast from the time I was six years old, until I was 18.

I loved it!

That’s me with my high school team (second from right) Yikes!

Anyway, my friend Arriann and I have been season ticket holders for the University of Utah Red Rocks for 30 years!

Back when we didn’t have kids, and when we did have kids, but they were young –

We used to travel to Nationals every year.

Utah Gymnastics has a HUGE following.

I think they are record holders for the most fans attending meets.


Fast forward to Tyson’s freshman year of college

He comes home for Christmas break and gets together with his friends attending the University of Utah

And they are all friends with the gymnasts!

I love it!

So over the next four years (what? Tyson is graduating from college in a month?) we got to know most of the

Gymnasts (and their families) personally.

It’s been so much fun!

So, this year I decided to make the trip to Georgia to cheer my girls on!

If you follow me on Facebook or Twitter, I’m sure I will be posting updates!

In the meantime…..


Let’s do this!


{Spring Boutique Recap}

Crafts / Decorating

Happy Monday!

I hope you all had a great weekend!

My friend Pam from Our Adventures in Home Improvement and I had a Spring Boutique on Saturday.

It was a lot of fun!

And turned out to be a great success!

Thank you to everyone who stopped by and supported us!

It was greatly appreciated!

We were so busy, neither one of us took photos of our set up!


But I did take a few photos of some of my crafts.

I'm going to try and post a few of them throughout the week.

First up, my chalkboard terra-cotta pots!

Super easy, and super cute!

Just simple pots, painted with chalkboard paint, then using a Chalk Pen I wrote on the chalk.

I also did a few for herbs – Cilantro, Thyme, etc.

What do you think?

Have you made any chalkboard planters?

Or other spring crafts?

Happy Monday!


{Pinterest Recipe Love}

Cooking / Recipes

I LOVE Pinterest.


One of my favorite things about Pinterest is the FOOD.


My husband works the night shift.

He and his workmates each take a turn bringing in a meal to share each night.

My Hub's night is Wednesday.

I try and find something new and fun to cook each time.

Enter Pinterest!

Did I mention how much I love Pinterest?

Oh, I did?



I thought I would share with you a few of the recipes I have found via Pinterest

Who knows, you might try them and like them so much, they make it in to your weekly recipe rotation!

Hot and Spicy Braised Peanut Chicken

This dish was soooo yummy! Everyone loved it!

A lot of ingredients, but so worth it!

Honey Lime Chicken Enchiladas

This dish was FABULOUS!

Try it, you won't be disappointed!


Oven Baked Chicken Fajitas

This was a super easy recipe for Fajitas.

The chicken was a tad dry, but I'm sure this was chef error!

Would make this again!

Tomato Basil Parmesan Soup

Okay, this soup was so good!


Mexican Stuffed Shells

This was one of the best things I've ever eaten!

I'm not kidding.

I can't even tell you how good it was in a blog post.

According to my hubs, I even got a marriage proposal out of this dish!

Thanks Maeghan! 😉

Make this!

Just do it!

Buffalo Chicken Potato Casserole

This casserole is in the over right now.

I'm a HUGE fan of Franks Red Hot

Love it!

Can't get enough!

Excited to see how this dish turns out!

Have you used pinterest as inspiration for dinner ideas?

What are your fave recipes?

Would love to know!



{Dessert in a Jar}

Cooking / Crafts / Holidays

Happy Monday!

Did you have a great Easter?

I hope so! It was a beautiful day in Salt Lake City yesterday.


Sometimes we have snow on Easter.

Like last year, when we were camping.

Not fun.


I was assigned dessert this year for Easter.

I'm not a huge dessert eater, but I do LOVE to make dessert.

Weird, huh?

Typical of me.

You might remember I made THESE for St. Patrick's Day, last month.

Since I already had the jars, it seemed obvious.

Make more dessert in a jar.


So I did!

First up, Strawberry Shortcake in a Jar.

Angel food cake, topped with Strawberries & Sugar

Cool Whip mixed with Vanilla Frosting

And a dusting a graham cracker crumbs


And, because my Dad loves Carrot Cake

I did Carrot Cake in a Jar

I made Carrot Cake Cup Cakes

Sliced them, added a slice to the jar

Topped with Cool Whip mixed with Cream Cheese Frosting

A dusting of graham cracker crumbs

And repeat!

I added THESE CUTE printables to the lids

And called it GOOD!

We spent the afternoon at my parents' house

Easter egg hunt for the kids (minus Tyson who is in California at school still)

Dinner outside on the deck

And a last photo of Grandpa with Erin and Madison

I hope you all had a very blessed day!

And if you haven't tried making dessert in a jar

Go for it!

So fun!

You will love it!


{March Photo A Day}


I participated in the March Photo a Day Challenge that Fat Mum Slim hosted again last month.

You can see my February Photo a Day recap here

It really is a FUN idea and challenges you to take photos of the "everyday"!

Lovin' it!

Already going strong in the April Challenge!

Here is my March via cell phone photos!

Linking up with: http://www.thehouseofsmiths.com/
