{I had the time of my life…..}

Crafts Me Sewing

Well, hello there!  I know, I know…..it's been a minute (or a million) since I last blogged, but life got Ca-Razy there!  But, it's time I got back at it.  I've got a ton of things to blog about, but the first thing I have to tell you about is the FABULOUS weekend I had in Kansas in November!  I first blogged about going to Craft Weekend back here in August.  Well, the weekend finally arrived and I had the time of my life!  Seriously, I really did!  So much fun!  This post may get a bit long winded, with tons of pics, so please bear with  me!  First of all…..the hostess with the mostess:

Meg Duerksen is awesome.  So nice, spiritual, down to earth, creative, funny, etc.  Just FUN!

And her side kick Kimberlee Jost:


Super fabulous as well!  And the girl can cook!  Oh my word!  The food at Craft Weekend is truly scrumptious!  Pumpkin Cheesecake, Creme Brulee French Toast, Harvest Chilli, Fajitas, Cinnamon Rolls and more.  Sooooo good! 

We were picked up at the airport by these two girls (the helpers for the weekend):


Megan from Contented Sparrow and Becky from Farmgirl Paints, two of the hippest, funnest and coolest girls I've met!  They had never met in person (only through their blogs) and they were seriously soul sisters!  Loved their connection! 

When we drove up to the house, I about died.  Look at this beauty?  Gorgeous, yes?

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And the inside of the house?  Love, love, love it.  So colorful and inspiring!

(photos courtesy of my beautiful roommate Jill from 4 Fab Franklins)

This is where we crafted:


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And where we ate our delish meals:


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I also got to meet this girl, which was a dream come true!  She was there to visit on Friday night!

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We spent both Friday and Saturday nights crafting.  We made the infamous apron, along with some other fun, fun crafts:

(images courtesy of Meg Duerksen)

Check out our swag:

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 We stayed up late, late, late…..into the wee hours of the night.  Taking a break on Friday night to head to the local donut shop around midnight for fresh, out of the oven donuts!  And on Saturday night it was cheesecake! 

During the day on Saturday, we headed out to Bearly Makin it Antiques and to The Barn for some antique shopping. 


Oh my.  Soooo  many treasures to be found.  My main goal was to find a nice, hand stitched quilt.  And find one I did!


Here it is on my bed back home.  I need to try and get a better photo.  The yellow is  more of a creamy butter yellow, not at all neon or bright.  I love it!

We made a quick stop at Sonic on the way back to the Craft House, before getting back to Crafting.  Sunday was spent taking photos, and saying our good byes.  It was so much fun getting to know such fun girls!  My roommates,  Joanna and Jill and I:


All the girls with our aprons on:


I really did have the time of my life!  It was the experience of a lifetime and I am so thankful that I was able to attend!

Go read Meg's post HERE about the weekend to see even more photos and get more fabulous information!

Also, I think YOU should sign up to attend Craft Weekend!  Do it!  NOW!  Go READ THIS and sign up!  You won't regret it! 

Happy Monday!






3 thoughts on “{I had the time of my life…..}”

  1. Jill Franklin - December 3, 2012 9:06 am

    Hi Ali!
    I know, everything seemed to go into overdrive after the weekend. I had such an amazing time, and the best roommates ever!
    I hope you have a wonderful holiday season with that beautiful family of yours!
    ~ Jill

  2. Jean - December 4, 2012 5:48 am

    That sounds like so much fun! The house looks absolutely beautiful and I love the aprons. Was it all sewing? So glad you had a good time!

  3. Kim @ The Family Practice - December 7, 2012 4:34 pm

    Ali so happy you’re back to blogging 🙂
    That house is amazing and it looks like you had a really good time – I love all the fun colors!

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